All Saints
All Saints

New York Jury Reaches Verdict on Trump's NY Lawfare Trial -- GUILTY!! - ALL 34 COUNTS! -- EACH COUNT …

GFY 🖕The movie is still playing. But…to repeat myself…🖕
All Saints

TANTUM ERGO - with Latin lyrics and English translation

Beautiful. Thank you.
All Saints

It's time Pope Francis learned the dangers of careless talk - Catholic Herald

Yes, who can forget his “ coprophilia “ comment?🙄 I realize that other cultures often speak crudely and don’t give it a second thought. But ajorge just wallows in it.
All Saints

New Mexico Priest Commits Suicide Amidst Child Sex Abuse Investigation

And this is efficacious news how?
All Saints

Who was more impactful?

Of course he was no saint. Neither John XXlll or JPll. Pass through the fires of a Devil’s Advocate and THEN you can be a Saint. Until then…we pray that you at least escaped Hell.
All Saints

Pride month: the sexual braiwashing of school children has already begun

Stop using their words and ecpressions It is JUNE. Stop promoting their nonsense by using their evil terminology.
All Saints


Maybe they should have made good use of the Gifts.
All Saints

Male drag ‘artist’ dances for kids at Vatican’s World Children’s Day - LifeSite (

The Faithful need to be vocal BEFORE these events, not after. Damage is done then. They get away with it.
All Saints

Pope Uses the “F word”: Tells Italian Bishops Not to Admit Gay Seminarians, because “there’s already …

Say one thing. Do another. Those who knew him in their Argentinian seminary days remember only that about him.
All Saints


All my family are white sheep. Not a stinker among us.
All Saints


I gave up nothing.
All Saints

Did you know?

True. You do. Do you show gratitude by growing up to have a demonic clothing line?
All Saints


And boundless gratitude to all those who served and currently serve.